I headed up to Chemnitz, formerly known as Karl-Marx Stadt in former East Germany...still known as "Der Osten"
Peter "Method" König, Tom "Third Try" Klocker, Simon "Winchy" Gruber, Alex "Downrail" Tank, Tobi "Too Many Boards" Strauss and Christian "Fact Teller" Brecheis are up here with me to shoot some urban riding. In Chemnitz there are so many rails and spots in every shape and size you could imagine and nobody gives a damn if snowboarders are making noise or "destroying private property"....unlike back home in Bavaria. People are nice and they enjoy watching us. Even the cops are cool here. Weird.
Karl Marx with snowballs in his face.
I like the little guy on the east german traffic lights.
Peter flippin'....
...Klocker lippin'.
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